Why We Created Batterysmith - Our Story
In 2023, during a pivotal deep-sea fishing expedition with my friend Smith, the idea for our product was born. While accustomed to coastal fishing, we decided to embrace the challenge of venturing into deeper waters for a fresh thrill. Little did we anticipate the ordeal that awaited us.
As my Daiwa electric fishing reel signaled a substantial catch, Smith rushed to assist. However, amidst the excitement, he tripped over the power cord, leading to a precarious fall exacerbated by the boat's gentle rocking. In a heart-stopping moment, Smith landed on a stray fish spear, resulting in a serious injury.
Upon reflection, we discovered electric fishing reel battery packs in the market, along with the realization that many anglers were unaware of their benefits:
1. No more dealing with tangled cords or worries of tripping during fishing trips.
2. No need for costly boat modifications to accommodate electric reel power sources.
3. No more lugging heavy batteries and cumbersome wires.
With the convenience of a pocket-sized battery pack offering substantial power, the risks of deep-sea fishing were significantly reduced. Driven by our shared passion for fishing and a commitment to safety, Smith and I resolved to spare others from similar risks by sharing this innovation with fellow anglers.
Thus, our journey began: better fishing, better SMITH, - Batterysmith
Our New Goals - Moving Forward
Now, as we reflect on our journey, we are inspired to set new goals for Batterysmith. Our vision extends beyond providing safety and convenience to anglers; we aspire to empower anglers with reliable, high-performance batteries and share safe, comfortable storage solutions for deep-sea fishing, enhancing the adventurous experience for deep-sea anglers everywhere.